Deep Work Training
for the public sector
Do work without...
- getting restless over apps, mails, calls and media.
- losing control over attention and focus.
- being distracted by your smartphone and daily hassle.
Who doesn't want that?
In this training participants learn how to deal with these issues and how to increase their ability to concentrate by more than 50% while resisting distractions.

Why should you do this training?
More than 3 checks👇? Than you will surely benefit from the training.
✔️I find it increasingly hard to concentrate on my work
✔️ I get easily distracted, especially by apps, email and (social) media
✔️ I find it hard to decide what to focus on
✔️ I have trouble working at home because I get distracted by stuff to do
✔️ I'am often distracted by colleagues who want my attention
✔️ I sometimes lose the oversight and control over my work
✔️ I'am looking for more balance between focused work and relaxation
✔️ I often procrastinate on my important work
✔️ I notice that my workdays are often chaotic and ad-hoc
✔️ I find it hard to say 'no' which leads to too much work
✔️ I regularly experience restlessness and dissatisfaction over my work
✔️ I lose my focus and motivation during the day
✔️ I sometimes forget to take breaks which leads to discomfort